My Journey…

“Enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don’t lose the passion and the love for what you do.”

-Nadia Comaneci

Spoiled for inspiration, the island I live on gives me my creativity and ideas for weaving. With its coastline and mountains , colours and textures all year long inspiration seems to jump out at me. I love weaving “One of a Kind” or commissioned items. I feel that each item is a piece that no other has, a piece that was chosen by someone… or designed by someone with a story usually attached and can be passed down to the next generation.

Take a look on Bofin Weaves Instagram and view my previous weaving.

Follow me on my journey…my love of weaving…my passion.

Contact me for info on items at…

Instagram @bofinweaves


Rigid Heddle Loom Taster Classes

About me…

Bofin Weaves is a “one woman” team…with plenty of help from family and friends with whom this adventure would never have begun. Self-taught and invaluable online courses helped me find this love of weaving.

As a granddaughter of one of Inishbofin’s tailors and shoemakers, knitters and lacemakers, traditional crafts seemed to always be in the family. Having worn handmade dresses made by my mother, from patterns and fabric we chose ourselves, developed into a love for one of a kind items.

Starting an online course during the Covid lockdowns, my passion and love for this traditional , slow paced craft began.

I have had exhibitions at the Inishbofin Arts Festival and DCCI August Craft Month. I also taught Rigid Heddle Loom Weaving “Taster” classes which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Colours, patterns and the love of weaving are used to create each item I weave…”one of a kind”…handmade…unique…and created with love.